Thursday, August 1, 2013

Grande Ronde...come fish.

After some initial concern about fish numbers coming up the Columbia/Snake basin, things have picked up and seem to be doing fine. October is a wonderful month to fish this area. In fact, there is no where I would rather be. I like to fish day trips walk and wade or floating the are from the Oregon state line down to Boggan's Oasis, and sometimes further down. Many people like the lower river near the mouth...many many people. I like a little bit more space.

Options for the fall will be the Grande Ronde and the lower Snake River. We can likely do both if you are in to that sort of thing. I will start this in early October and fish as late into the fall as people are interested in coming. The weather gets colder but the fishing continues to be great.

The last option I would love to do is a multi-day float. This will be a no-frills operation. I will provide all the food and drink (except alcohol), you bring your sleeping bag and tent, etc. We won't have a camp cook and someone to set your tent up but I am pretty sure it will be more affordable!

Previous years photos below to wet your appetite. Please contact me soon if you are interested in joining.