Sunday, March 2, 2014

Olympic Peninsula Spey Steelhead

A brand new website and a brand new blog are up. Please head over that way for the latest on Olympic Peninsula, Clearwater, and Grande Ronde steelhead fly fishing guides.!blog/c1rmv

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January SpeyCasting & Steelhead

January is a great month because it provides solitude pretty much everywhere.
Spey rod steelhead fishing was great this week, headed to the Skagit this coming week and then the Olympic Peninsula at the end of the month.
Ian lands a monster.

Friday, January 3, 2014

West Side drought, still hanging on the East Side

OP rivers are low with only small amounts of precip, hatchery reports are pretty bleak.

Still finding clean, aggressive fish on the east side. Last few days have been great but I havent taken many fish selfies.

Headed to the Skagit in 2 weeks for some personal fishing & then teaching a class at the Gig Harbor Fly Shop.

OP season begins Feb 1 for me this year. Looking forward to it!

Road trip to the North Umpqua. Mark Stangeland Photo
Check out his website

New favorite fly.

Fly in big wild hen's mouth.

Sunset in the Clearwater/Snake valley after an amazing day on the water.