Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11-16-10 Report

Well we are settled in for the winter on the Peninsula and eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first winter steelhead. Should literally be any day now. We got a bunch of water yesterday and overnight which should be bringing in the first chromers of the year as we speak. Today is dry and the rivers should be looking good for tomorrow and the next? depending on more rain coming. This weekend is supposed to be cold so hopefully that will lock things up high and the Hoh may clear nicely. There have been plenty of Coho around still and a mix of others as well. Things will only get better from here, bring on the steelhead.

We spent the last half of October and first part of November on the Clearwater and Grande Ronde rivers. Things were not always easy, they rarely are, but some great fish came to hand. The variety of habitat that steelhead reside in can only be described as amazing. From arid high desert canyons such as these rivers to the rain forests of the peninsula. All should be experienced if possible. Stay tuned as Chad and I likely will be offering single and multi-day floats on the Grande Ronde next fall.
First Day on the Clearwater...what a way to start.

Pretty little hen of Chad's

Last light salvation.

Pate approved.

Massive wild! Clearwater hen...one of my biggest to date.

Pretty girl in rain.

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