Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays and updates

Well, departure time has come for Argentina. I will be out of the country until January 27. And back in Washington on February 5th. I have some guide dates open from Feb. 13th through April 10th. Things are filling in nicely, but there are still openings I would love to fill. Rates for this season listed below, multi day rates are for subsequent days, saves us both some $ and gives us our best shot at a winter steelhead on the swing.

1 person: 1 day $350, 2 days $625, 3 days $825 
2 person: 1 day $425, 2 days $750, 3 days $1,000

If you would like to get something on the calendar while I am out of the country there are a couple options.

Email me with any inquiries/questions at and I will get back to you within a week.


Call the Gig Harbor Fly Shop at 253-851-3474, they have my updated schedule on hand and can take a $100 deposit to lock a day down with me.

Thanks everyone! Happy Holidays and looking forward to a great winter/spring on the OP!

Rest in peace blue whale, I will have a new raft come February.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

High Water

We are coming off some prolonged high water. There should be some better opportunities in the coming days.

In the meantime, I was reading through the WDFW's citizen submitted rule proposals on wild steelhead regulation. There were a lot of them! It is clear that they are not getting the message! It is too late to submit a proposal of your own for this year but you can still comment on other proposals. Let them know how you feel about WILD STEELHEAD!

A link to my shoot for the stars proposal.

My other proposal for my beloved Hoh River

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Help Knut

This past spring I competed at Spey O Rama for the first time. It was there that I had the opportunity to witness the most courageous sporting performance I have ever seen and meet one of the kindest persons I've ever met. Knut Syrstad badly needs our help now as he continues his battle with cancer. Please see the link below for more information and help in any way you can.

Help Knut!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Winter 2012-2013 Whole bunch of news and stuff!

Are you searching for the right guide for you this winter on the Olympic Peninsula? 

Here's a little about PNW Spey Guides:
We love swinging flies for Steelhead. In fact, I think its the only way to do it for a number of reasons, a few being: the challenge; the enjoyment of each cast; tradition; and promoting a conservation mentality in our fishing. There are plenty of people who may want to argue with some or all of that, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this is mine.

PNW Spey Guided Trips:
What we do:
We swing flies with spey rods. New to Spey? Awesome, I will teach you all day long if you want to learn. Casting, presentation, reading water, anything...My goal is to teach you and help you become a better angler in every way possible. Experienced? Also great, we will fish are asses off, have a ton of fun, search for steelhead in every nook and cranny of the Op, and learn more too! 

What we won't do:
Advertise spey casting and swinging flies as all the rage with big flashy photos, then first thing in the morning hand you a nymph rod and say "water's too cold to swing flies", "they aren't biting the swing today", "water's too high or too low to swing flies", or "lets catch a bunch side drifting a bead then we will go try the spey for a few minutes". Yes, I have heard all these and they are bullshit.  Then proceed to side drift from the boat all day and at the end pat each other on the back and say well done. If you want to do that, again your choice! Not going to happen here!

If my gig sounds good I am sure that I would love to have you along!
So here is the news and plan for the upcoming winter steelhead season:

1. For a number of reasons, mainly being I just want to, I will be in Argentina from Christmas until the end of January. That means that I will start taking bookings approximately beginning approximately February 10th. Giving me time to get up to date with any flood changes, etc. Looking to book early February, talk to me! 
Season will then last until April 15. Yes it is open later in some places. 

2. Hatchery season I have dates available from November 20th until December 20th. The deal here is we will avoid the Bogachiel hatchery run rat race and fish some less pressured water, yes there will be a few less fish but it is an awesome time to fish a lot of other stretches and other rivers.

3. I really want to encouraged clients whenever possible to fish more than one day with me. Why? Winter steelhead are a challenge and I want to give you the best possible chance at success. To do this I am trying to put my rates as low as possible for multiple days of fishing in a row with me as follows:
1 person: 1 day $350, 2 days $625, 3 days $825
2 person: 1 day $425, 2 days $750, 3 days $1,000

4. I am teaching a winter steelhead clinic through the Gig Harbor Fly Shop on December 1st. Details can be found on that website: This is a how to fish clinic, not a guided fishing trip. 

If anyone has any questions please call or email!    cell (616)540-3836

Thanks to everyone who has fished with me the past couple seasons, I sincerely hope to see you again this winter! And a bunch of new faces as well!

A couple pictures below from this fall in my other favorite place, on the Clearwater! A few more pictures can be found here:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The happenings: Fall 2012

Current conditions on the Olympic Peninsula: Low, ultra clear, tough, and no rain in the forecast. Oh well. There are lots of opportunities elsewhere. If you are on the peninsula, I would recommend fishing for cutthroat trout, which has been great.

I am headed to the Clearwater Spey Clave this weekend, and will likely do a lot of fishing of my own the next month or so on the Clearwater and Grande Ronde rivers as well as some guiding for Sea Run Cutthroat on Puget Sound. Olympic Peninsula steelhead will ramp up around Thanksgiving. Now booking dates from then through April 15!

Some random pictures since the end of last Winter Steelhead season:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Winter steelhead season on the OP has come to a close, its been a great year. We had to work hard for our fish, swinging flies is that way, they don't come easy. First on the water and last off was the norm, avoiding the gear/nymph boats to find unmolested fish. One of the highlights was Mike Lacombe's first fish on the swing, hard earned, and in the 20lb class, landed after an awesome fight.

Upcoming opportunities with PNW Spey Guides:

May 15-Springer Fishing begins on the Ho

Summer Runs Starting in June going all summer, september is great!

Grande Ronde in October for summer steelhead.

Puget Sound Sea Run Cutthroat from the Beach and Native Peddle Drive Kayaks!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I admittedly have done a terrible job this season of keeping this up to date.  Water conditions are the most important thing to success and change daily so any updates on here are would be a day late anyway.

Also of note is my camera was stolen about two weeks ago and I haven't been able to replace it yet.

Water conditions for the coming week are somewhat iffy but I have no doubt that there will also be some great opportunities to find some fish with less than normal crowds.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Water conditions are currently very good. Fish are available on every system. The typical March crowds and then some are around. As usual, I will do everything possible to avoid them. Still think Ive got a few tricks up my sleeve for the coming weeks.

10 minutes in to the morning, the greatest, most beautiful creature that swims eats your fly.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


2/10 Nice bump in flows. Sunday/Monday are open. 616-540-3836

It's February on the OP and there are and will be wild steelhead in every system. Some very big ones have been caught of late. A legit 30+ by a gear boat over the weekend.  Get a hold of me for a great chance to swing flies for the fish of a lifetime.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


If anyone is reading this and has Monday or Tuesday free and wants to fish...I would highly recommend coming.
 (616) 540-3836

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/17/11 Report

Its been an unbelievable few days on the peninsula. Lots of snow! Lots of beauty. Fishing has been pretty good lately. Hatchery fish, transitioning into more wild fish as we speak. We are supposed to get a needed push of water later this week and then it should be game on. I have openings Monday-Wednesday next week and depending on exactly how much rain we end up getting it could be very good.

Sunday Morning hooking the boat up.

Stunning day on the water, no one else around.
Mr Garry Sandstrom with a gorgeous hen.
I'll never ever forget this fish, nevermind the blurry picture.