Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays and updates

Well, departure time has come for Argentina. I will be out of the country until January 27. And back in Washington on February 5th. I have some guide dates open from Feb. 13th through April 10th. Things are filling in nicely, but there are still openings I would love to fill. Rates for this season listed below, multi day rates are for subsequent days, saves us both some $ and gives us our best shot at a winter steelhead on the swing.

1 person: 1 day $350, 2 days $625, 3 days $825 
2 person: 1 day $425, 2 days $750, 3 days $1,000

If you would like to get something on the calendar while I am out of the country there are a couple options.

Email me with any inquiries/questions at and I will get back to you within a week.


Call the Gig Harbor Fly Shop at 253-851-3474, they have my updated schedule on hand and can take a $100 deposit to lock a day down with me.

Thanks everyone! Happy Holidays and looking forward to a great winter/spring on the OP!

Rest in peace blue whale, I will have a new raft come February.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

High Water

We are coming off some prolonged high water. There should be some better opportunities in the coming days.

In the meantime, I was reading through the WDFW's citizen submitted rule proposals on wild steelhead regulation. There were a lot of them! It is clear that they are not getting the message! It is too late to submit a proposal of your own for this year but you can still comment on other proposals. Let them know how you feel about WILD STEELHEAD!

A link to my shoot for the stars proposal.

My other proposal for my beloved Hoh River